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Voleu aventura? seguiu-me en aquest intrepidant viatge!.



The current year 2018, Languages School EOI -LLEIDA offers three grants to all those students who have in mind to carry out any trip abroad.

On the one hand, the economic support aims to promote knowledge of foreign languages. 

On the other hand, it tries to share all that knowledge and relevant adventures experimented by the student. in order to do so, he or she might come up with a blog to submit daily interesting experiences that rest of EOI community can enrich with. 

Finally, the student awarded shall give a speech in the multi-purpose room in EOI -LLEIDA that any person can attend. It is going to be time for nice feed-backs!

For sure, many students will face similar adventures thanks to initiatives like that, driven and sponsored by EOI -LLEIDA.

Should you wish further information, please: CLICK HERE!

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