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dijous, 18 d’octubre del 2018


Although Namibia is one of the world's least densely populated countries, it is home to many different tribal groups.


A quite moment under a shadow sheltered from the strong sun.

An Himba woman was looking for wood to light a holy fire late at night.

The day is spent looking after the children, making flour from maize and churning butter. They often have to travel a distance to collect water from the river bed or natural water holes.


San People inhabit the eastern areas of the country bordering with Botswana. They are also called "Bushmans".
They live in harsh conditions in Kalahari Desert.

The San still live as hunters. They are one of the world's last original hunter-gatherer societies.

Mostly, Bushmans stay in small groups of 30 or so. Each group comprise several families.
Only men leave the camp in the early morning to hunt. The women remain in the village with the chief.

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