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Voleu aventura? seguiu-me en aquest intrepidant viatge!.


dijous, 18 d’octubre del 2018


A jackal

The coastal line provides a wide range of birdlife, specially white pelicans flamingoes and cormorants

Namibia's wildlife contains a variety of antelope species

Cheetah is one of the endangered species in Africa. Its population is decreasing and compromised by human activities.

A full coloured lizzard

Namibia's most extraordinary reptile is the crocodile. They can grow up to 3m long.

Elephant is one of the "Big Five".

We were astonished to find a turtle in the middle of the vast desert.

2 comentaris:

  1. How did you take these pics? Did you really get that close or does your camera have a very powerful zoom?


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